Thursday, December 11, 2014

Topaz Glow

Hello All :)

Sorry I've been AWOL for so long.  Life has been taking up so much of my free time!

But I had to stop by to tell you about a new Photoshop plug-in from Topaz called Glow.

I have been looking for a fractal imaging program for MAC for several years.  I don't want much, something along the lines of Fractalius (the Windows only program).

Glow was released on December 9th.  As always, Topaz is offering a 30 day free trial.  Stay tuned for my assessment of the software.  I have high hopes for Topaz Glow!

Here's the link to the web page:

And here's a coupon for purchase good until 12.31.14:  introglow

Saturday, October 18, 2014

The Prophecy

Surfing the 'net today I happened across an interesting fractal image by batjorge (Deviant art user name).  

It still amazes me what wonderful worlds can be created by using fractal formulas.  All that is needed is a slight knowledge of geometry and some imagination!

Here's the link:

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Topaz Impression

I apologize that I've been absent from my blog.  Life calls.

But I came back to tell y'all about a new plug-in from Topaz labs that I've been itching to try.  It's called Topaz Impression and it changes any photograph into a work of art.  Here's a link that can explain better than I can:

And just for giggles, here's a 50% off promotional code for anyone who already owns the rest of the Topaz suite of plugins.


That makes the new software a mere $49.99!!!

Happy Day :)

Friday, August 29, 2014

Basic 3D Mandelbrot render by FractalWorks

Basic mandelbrot plot as seen in 3D per FractalWorks.

Here's another view:

This is what you start with in 3D mode and you can pretty much go from here to anywhere by changing colors, peak height, x or y coordinates, etc.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Fractal Works App

I suppose I'm going to have to admit I have quite a learning curve with the Fractal Works app for MAC.  It's been over a week and I'm still not sure what I'm doing.

One thing I will tell you is that the 3D render is FABULOUS!  Right now it's my favorite part of the entire program.

Although this doesn't look like much, it took me an entire day to make it!  This is me flying by the seat of my pants.  This week's mission is to find some tutorials and try to make sense of it all :)

Monday, August 4, 2014

Fractal Works and ScopeWorks

Just for the heck of it I downloaded FractalWorks from the MAC app store this past weekend.  The app is made by WareTo LLC., who also make ScopeWorks.

Being in a creative mood I decided to purchase both programs so I could do some experimenting.  

Below are the links to the MAC app store for those interested in acquiring the software:

ScopeWorks lets you create stunning kaleidoscopes from either still images or from a connected video camera. It creates mesmerizing animations and will also generate high resolution still images. It supports a variety of different kaleidoscope layouts.

FractalWorks is a high performance fractal renderer. It creates stunning images of Mandelbrot and Julia sets. It will create 3D renderings of your fractal images, and can generate stereo images for viewing as parallel or cross-eye, or anaglyph images. You can rotate, pan, and zoom your 3D images in real time on the screen, as well as adjust the texture and lighting of your fractal images.
Its unique and powerful color scheme system gives you great looking image colors that adapt automatically to different plots, highlighting the "interesting bits" and using subtle color changes in visually busy areas.

I see that FractalWorks has not been updated since September 2011 and Scope Works since August 2011, but I am not concerned.  Fractals have been around for millions of years :)

I can hardly wait to start using these two programs!

Stay tuned………...

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Happy Independence Day !!!

Fractals in fireworks?  Sure there are!

  1. 1.
    a curve or geometric figure, each part of which has the same statistical character as the whole. Fractals are useful in modeling structures (such as eroded coastlines or snowflakes) in which similar patterns recur at progressively smaller scales, and in describing partly random or chaotic phenomena such as crystal growth, fluid turbulence, and galaxy formation.
  1. 1.
    relating to or of the nature of a fractal or fractals.
    "fractal geometry"

    *thank you GOOGLE :)

Friday, June 27, 2014

Not Quite a Fractal

My newest image is not quite a fractal image except for the geometry naturally found in living things.  I started with the stigma, style and filament of a red tulip.  I then cropped in as close as I could and used Topaz Denoise to get rid of some of the grain.  Next, I applied a chrome filter and solar filter from Topaz Adjust to separate layers using Photoshop.  Voila.  I think it's a pretty wild image :)

This image available to purchase through

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Ms. CheapA$$ buys Something !!!

Hello All :)

Any of you who have been following my blog know that I am "thrifty" to say the least.  Yesterday, I finally broke down and purchased the remainder of the Topaz Collection.  I had been buying the software one item at a time as it would go on sale.  Topaz normally has a monthly 50% off sale on one product.  This process was very slow and I didn't always get the software that I wanted at the time.  All of the products are useful in their own way so I didn't feel like it was a waste of money.

I had purchased Simplify in February.  This is a great plug-in for "photo art".  I purchased Denoise in March.  This plug-in is the best around for removing unwanted grain from photographs.  April's purchase was Detail.  Pretty much self explanatory, detail enhancement.  And in May I purchased Clean, which is great for skin smoothing in portrait photography.

I am happy to report that Adjust, Clarity, InFocus, Lens Effects, ReMask, ReStyle, Star Effects, DeJpeg and B/W Effects are all now in my arsenal of photography tools!

What pushed me to make this move?  First off, Topaz Labs was offering me a discount on the total bundle since I bought the other products.  Secondly, a contact of mine clued me in to a 30% off discount code.  It was just too much to resist!

I had been checking out other plug-ins from other companies that are not as expensive, but they just aren't as good as Topaz.  I am ecstatic about this purchase and look forward to using every single product!!!!

Friday, June 13, 2014


Yes, I admit it!  I stole this article and this picture off the internet.  But in my defense, why am I going to retype an entire article when I can just copy and paste?

Basically, the article explains three fractal rendering programs and tells what is useful within each one.

Turtle Graphics Renderer

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Keep Calm and Cycle Coffee Mugs


Thank you to the customer in Fort Dodge, IA.

Keep Calm and Cycle Coffee Mugs from Made in 24 hours. Keep Calm and Cycle Coffee Mugs created by TWVVAAPP. This design is available on coffee mugs, travel mugs, steins and is totally customizable.

Sunday, June 8, 2014


This is another shameless plug for another online art gallery site.

Here is a link to my new gallery on Crated:

And since y'all have been nice enough to put up with my shameless self-promotion, the least I can do is post a few links to some cool fractals :)

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Social Media Marketing - Twitter

I was a nobody in the world of Twitter until I started using the service JustUnfollow

Although the name sounds counterintuitive, JustUnfollow has helped me GAIN many followers.  Below I will explain step-by-step the procedure that works for me on Twitter.

No laughing please!!!!

Every morning my 17 year old dog wakes me up at 4am for his breakfast.  He then proceeds to jump into my bed and lick my toes for another half an hour.  Needless to say, sleep at this time is not an option.  So I work on my Twitter account from my warm bed.

First, I hit the Twitter icon on my cell phone.  Up pops "notifications" from anyone who has followed me since the previous evening.  I click on their picture/information to get a feel for if this is someone I want to follow back.  If they are following me back (meaning I already follow them) then the icon on the right will be blue.  If the icon is clear, I can tap it to follow that person.  Or I can just ignore them.

Step Two - I hit the JustUnfollow icon on my cell phone.  This tells me how many "non-followers" I have.  Some are expected (Ellen DeGeneres, Jimmy Kimmel, etc).  On this list are all the people I have followed who don't follow me back.  I normally give someone a week or so to follow me back before I give them the big HEAVE HO!

There is also a section in this app called "recent unfollowers".  I check there every morning.  These are the people who follow you just so you will follow them back, then once you follow them, they unfollow you.  Pretty sleazy.

Step Three - Back to the Twitter app.  Under "timelines" swipe over to "activity". This is the activity from all those that you follow.  This section contains tweets that they have favored or retweeted and (WAIT FOR IT) people that they have followed!!!

Right now I see my twitter friend NW has followed CS.  I am not following CS, so I click on his picture/information.  CS is following 963 people and has 909 followers.  So far, so good.  His last tweet was one day ago.  Also good.  You don't need a follower who only tweets twice a year!  I swipe my finger to the left to see his information.  Looks like CS is a self-taught wildlife artist.  Since most of my followers are photographers and artists I decide to follow CS.  Hit the follow button…done for now.  I then give CS one week or so to follow me back.  If he is not interested (I'll know because of JustUnfollow) then I will unfollow him.

Typing out this whole procedure reminds me that this is a lot of work, but once you get a system in place, it comes easy.  What else am I gonna do at 4am?

Social Media Marketing - The Four C's of the Engagement Process - SEO

Consumption, Curation, Creation and Collaboration

The magic question…how to get someone from Consumption to Collaboration?

We all start out on any website (except our own) in Consumption mode.  Basically, low level engagement, getting information, trolling.

The next step above Consumption is Curation.  This is where the sorting and filtering occur.  Curation is when someone rates something or leaves a comment or "shares".

Above Curation is Creation.  This is when someone writes a review and basically puts a bit of themselves on your page.

The top tier is Collaboration.  This is a conversation in the online community.  

Collaboration is key to SEO !!!!

Search Engine Optimization

Five important things to know about SEO:


Next post:  SMM - Twitter

Social Media Marketing - Introduction

This post and the next few will be a change of pace/topic for the Fractal Satisfaction blog.

Much like school children are encouraged to write an essay in September called "How I Spent My Summer Vacation", I am writing an essay that could be titled "What I Learned in Social Media Class".

First of all I'd like to say that in the Social Media world I fall into a group called "Boomers 2".  Born between 1955 and 1965, Boomers 2 came of age during the 1970s.  I am not what is referred to as a "digital native".  That term describes all the babies born today in first world countries.  Pretty much all the babies that were born in the past ten years.

So how do I as a "Boomer 2" compete in the social media realm with "Digital Natives"?  I go to college and take a class!!!

CIS 254 - Social Media Marketing - 3 credits

What is social media marketing in layman's terms?

SMM is using network based marketing to promote what you are doing by gaining attention and sharing.

When using social media you MUST:

  • have a great product
  • present a call to action
  • add value to the conversation
  • remember social media is a two way street
  • encourage peer-to-peer communication

Please remember:

A "marketing plan" means having specific goals that can be tested.

Next post:  The four C's of the Engagement Process

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

What is a fractal?

I believe this post from Alice Kelley's blog explains fractals better than I can explain the mathematics of the artwork.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Fractal Cupie Doll

What do you see within this fractal image?
This fractal reminds me of a flower soaking up the suns rays.  If you resize the image, you may see a cupie doll on the inside on the flower.

This fractal brought to you by Sterling2.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Fractal Apps

I'm sad to say the Fractal Serendipity app has bitten the dust.  It is being replaced with the Fractal Architect 2 app (by the same software company).  I know this because the FS app I have installed on my MAC crashed and that's what was suggested to me.  The FA2 app has a hefty pricetag for an app ($23.99).  I believe I paid around $5 for FS.

Thinking maybe I should just bite the bullet and purchase UltraFractal for the few extra dollars that it would cost.

That being said…here's a fractal for today…

Friday, April 11, 2014

Fractals and Textures?

A couple of us in the Texture Artist group were discussing adding textures to fractal art.  First, I made a basic fractal pattern using Ultra Fractal for MAC.  Then I added a bokeh texture from LO2.  Finally, I added a painterly texture, also from LO2.

I am on Day 326 of the UltraFractal trial (if anyone is still counting).  Please excuse the watermarks.

This is a first attempt.  I was trying to make something more creative, but the Fractal Serendipity app seems to be crash happy today :(

Saturday, April 5, 2014

I Didn't Forget About You

It may seem as I've forgotten about this blog, but I have been busy with other creative endeavors.  I put aside fractal art for a few weeks in favor of experimenting with textures.  There are a lot of free textures out there, but most are not high quality.  I found a place that has great deals on textures and I've gotten two sets (more than 300 items) for $27 per set!

So here's a shout out to the Facebook group Texture Artists and the admin of the group, Denise Love :)

I'm also posting a link to the latest sale page for the textures I just downloaded. I believe the sale is on for nine more days.

Now I'm thinking how awesome it would be to mix fractal art with texture.
Stay tuned…………

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Elizabeth McTaggart

Today I'd like to blog about a fellow fractal artist, Elizabeth McTaggart.  She is a colleague of mine at Fine Art America.  Her fractal artwork is nothing less than amazing!  Please check her out at:

I've pulled a few images to share…

Thanks Elizabeth for sharing your wonderful artwork with the world :)

Monday, March 10, 2014

The Never-Ending Trial Program

I am back to experimenting with the UltraFractal program.  Day number 294 of the free trial.  

I need to find a way to "pull" the pixels and manipulate the fractals without using mathematical equations.  And I want to start with a basic shape, not the Mandelbrot.  I don't think I'm asking for a lot!!!

I also need a program that works on the MAC platform.
Anyone?  Anyone?

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Topaz Plug-Ins Part II

I am about 10 days into the 30 day trial of Topaz plug-ins.  I downloaded the free trial of the entire suite (14 elements).  Here are the plug-ins that I really like:

Star Effects

So far I have purchased only Simplify.  I figure you can't go wrong for $20.  Of course, that sale was over February 28.  

The question is…do I spring for the entire suite of plug-ins offered to me for $344.99 since I purchased Simplify or do I wait for coupon codes and add plug-ins one by one until I get the ones I want?

This is a photo I found on the Topaz Labs website.  The photo was processed using the "Star Effects" filter.  Here is a link to other photos using that same filter:

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Testing out Topaz

Today's blog post is about Topaz software (

Three days ago I downloaded the 30 day free trial of the full suite of Topaz plug-ins for Photoshop.  I have had the opportunity to test out several of the products and so far I like what I am seeing.

The full suite of plug-ins retails for $379.99 and the individual components retail from $29.99 to $79.99 each.  So far I have tested ReStyle, ReMask, Simplify, Lens Effects and Star Effects.  

My feeling is that these plug-ins are a real workflow timesaver.  From what I have seen, there is nothing here a designer couldn't figure out or complete on their own, but the Topaz software takes care of the grunt work.

A few good things to mention…
1.  Some of the software works with Photoshop Elements and iPhoto
2.  The plug-ins are both Windows and MAC compatible
3.  Topaz Simplify is on sale for $19.99 until 2.28.14 using code FEBSIMPLIFY
4.  Use this link to obtain a $10 credit

I'm looking forward to testing out all the products and I do see a suite purchase in my future!

Topaz Adjust

Magical contrast, detail, and color adjustments.
Buy for $49.99

Topaz ReStyle

Over 1000 unique photographic effects.
Buy for $59.99

Topaz Clarity

Flawless image definition through intelligent contrast.
Buy for $49.99

Topaz ReMask

The quickest and easiest way to mask your photo.
Buy for $69.99

Topaz B&W Effects

Develop stunning black and white photography.
Buy for $59.99

Topaz Detail

Creative detail enhancement with no halos or artifacts.
Buy for $39.99

Topaz Simplify

Turn your photos into watercolors, paintings, and other fine art.
Buy for $39.99

Topaz Lens Effects

Creative effects derived from real-world lens and filters.
Buy for $79.99

Topaz Star Effects

Add realistic star and lighting effects to your photos.
Buy for $29.99

Topaz Clean

Creative smoothing effects with edge and texture control.
Buy for $29.99

Topaz DeNoise

Excels at removing noise while preserving image detail.
Buy for $79.99

Topaz InFocus

Sharpen your image by removing shake and motion blur.
Buy for $69.99

Topaz DeJPEG

Increase the image quality of your JPEG photos.
Buy for $29.99

Topaz photoFXlab

Standalone image editor specializing in image effects.
Buy for $79.99

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Feature Pics

Silly me!  I've got so much going on that I completely forgot about my gallery of stock photos through

Too bad.  I had a whopping $2.50 in image royalties waiting to be collected.  Guess I'll add them to my never-ending list of stock sites.

single daisy
rooster strutting
theatre seating
shamong vineyard
dove family II
white orchid in bloom
sand walkway to beach
Strawberries and more Strawberries

My top-grossing contributor site is Shutterstock, followed by Dreamstime.  I am also on BigStockPhoto, CanStockPhoto and Fotolia.  And, apparently, Featurepics :)

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

R.I.P. Pixel Bender

Adobe Axed Pixel Bender

Yep, in Photoshop CS6 Adobe took the Oil Paint Filter from Pixel Bender, built it into Photoshop and promptly dumped everything else. I found that disappointing – I kind of like Pixel Bender – in particular some of the fractal effects that you can create with it. I also have a Droste filter for it that is awesome and that I use from time to time.
Since I plan to keep Photoshop CS5 I’ll still have access to Pixel Bender – thank you very much Adobe!
Just in case you’re interested – the Pixel Bender extension won’t work with versions of Photoshop later than Photoshop CS5. Again, I wrote a DPS blog post on Pixel Bender, how to install it and what you’ll find when you get it here.

If you'd like to read more from this article please click the link below:

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Kudos to nic022 !!!

Take a look at this fractal manipulation….

This is an artist with boatloads of talent!!!

Here is a link to some more images and a few tutorials:

The artist is using Incendia freeware...

Unfortunately for me, this is a Windows-based program.  So my search continues...

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Fractal Explorer Plugin for Photoshop & After Effects

I came across this plugin that claims to work with two of my favorite Adobe programs, Photoshop and After Effects.  It also says it works with either a PC or a MAC.  Those of you who have been keeping up know I often find it difficult to find fractal programs for my MAC.  Here goes nothing…….

Of course I need to say that it is a free download and here is the link:

Examples:  (AE video clip)

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Flower Unwound

I call this latest fractal "Flower Unwound".  If you look closely at the center of the fractal you can see a flower with five petals.

This fractal was made using the Fractal Serendipity app.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

FlickR Find

I found this latest fractal via FlickR.  The artist is craft_uas.  I'll post a link at the bottom if anyone is interested in the rest of his (her?) portfolio.  He (she?) has some pretty awesome stuff!

From the artist:
Wizely used, the mathematical logic that rules a fractal image, subconsciously produces a huge expansion in the observer's Perception. The brain understands there's a logic behind the picture. A logic so complex it can't entirely embrace. It tries, without your awareness of the fact, to comprehend the whole scene, and expands itself in the process...
Only in that way can i explain why after a first intensive day looking at fractals, was my mind so much more exhausted than in a regular day looking at images of other kinds.. and when i finally closed my eyes, flashing images would pop into my brain in such a colorful detail that i never before could imagine.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Martin Capek

I found this amazing piece of fractal art in a group at Fine Art America.  The site will not allow me to copy the picture, but here is a link:

Here's a bit about the artist:

I live in Brno, Czech Republic. Although I have a master degree in Geography I am interested in art. 

In my galleries you can find various themes and mediums. From abstract fractal lightnings and flowers, over the universe and planet Earth to landscape , nature and macro photography.

Thanks for sharing your wonderful artwork Martin :) 

Monday, January 20, 2014

Fractal Ribbon Ball

Here is my latest attempt at fractal art using the Fractal Serendipity app….

It's a work in progress for sure.  Thinking the background could use something, but what???

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Social Media

One way I like to promote my love of fractal art is social media.  Along with this blog, I have a website, Pinterest boards, a Twitter account, a Facebook page, a Zazzle store, a FlickR photostream, micro-stock galleries at Shutterstock, Dreamstime & BigStockPhoto along with my newest venture at StumbleUpon.

I invite you to "like" and "follow" me on any or all of the social media sites.
Thank you :)

In the meanwhile, here is a really cool fractal piece from the Colourbox gallery.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Day 235

Below is a screenshot of the message I am greeted with every time I open the trial version of Ultra Fractal.  You'd think after 235 days I would be able to make up my mind about the program.

For those of you following this blog, I am not close to a decision on the Flame Painter program either.  Maybe I'll go purchase a lottery ticket in hopes of buying both programs?  I can't make up my mind to do that either!!!!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Seeing the Light

Way off topic post for today……

Light Bulbs

I heard on the news last night that our government is banning all incandescent light bulbs from being sold here in the good ole USA.  Once a retailer is sold out, they are not permitted to restock.  Let's not get started on that topic or the fact that CFLs contain mercury or any of the other topics related to "silly things done by the US congress".

Today I went out & bought some light bulbs :)

I purchased Sylvania Double Life incandescent bulbs in the 3 pack for $4.98.  Also purchased were one GE Reveal "Bright from the Start" CFL bulb for $8.98 and one Utilitech Pro warm white LED bulb for $14.98.  All bulbs tested were equal to 40 watts and purchased in the bathroom vanity mirror style.

Light----The LED bulb seems much brighter, but it's also a cooler (blue) light.  The Reveal CFL seems pretty close to the incandescent in warm lighting, although I can see the inside swirl part through the bulb exterior.

Heat----The CFL & incandescent bulbs are hot to the touch (incandescent hotter by far).  The LED bulb is cool to the touch.  Even the base, which surprises me as my other LED bulbs are really hot at the base.

Start Up----Incandescent & CFL brighten instantaneously (I did purchase the "bright from the start" CFL).  My older CFL's have a 2 second delay.  LED has about a 1 second delay.

CONCLUSION----I will use the incandescent bulbs until I run out, then have my husband install a different vanity mirror (one without the light fixtures directly attached to the mirror).  If that doesn't happen I will make due with the CFL.