Saturday, June 21, 2014

Ms. CheapA$$ buys Something !!!

Hello All :)

Any of you who have been following my blog know that I am "thrifty" to say the least.  Yesterday, I finally broke down and purchased the remainder of the Topaz Collection.  I had been buying the software one item at a time as it would go on sale.  Topaz normally has a monthly 50% off sale on one product.  This process was very slow and I didn't always get the software that I wanted at the time.  All of the products are useful in their own way so I didn't feel like it was a waste of money.

I had purchased Simplify in February.  This is a great plug-in for "photo art".  I purchased Denoise in March.  This plug-in is the best around for removing unwanted grain from photographs.  April's purchase was Detail.  Pretty much self explanatory, detail enhancement.  And in May I purchased Clean, which is great for skin smoothing in portrait photography.

I am happy to report that Adjust, Clarity, InFocus, Lens Effects, ReMask, ReStyle, Star Effects, DeJpeg and B/W Effects are all now in my arsenal of photography tools!

What pushed me to make this move?  First off, Topaz Labs was offering me a discount on the total bundle since I bought the other products.  Secondly, a contact of mine clued me in to a 30% off discount code.  It was just too much to resist!

I had been checking out other plug-ins from other companies that are not as expensive, but they just aren't as good as Topaz.  I am ecstatic about this purchase and look forward to using every single product!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Guess it would have been helpful to share the code


    *Not sure how long this discount code will be in effect
