Thursday, December 26, 2013

Flame Painter Part 2

It's been about a week now that I have been experimenting with various "smoke" brushes for Photoshop and also making my own "flame" brushes in Corel Painter.  I have to be honest, none of mine hold a candle to the brushes in Flame Painter.  They are incredible!

I have downloaded the free app for my iPhone, but I find the screen too small to work with effectively. Turns out my original iPad is too old for the program (I believe IOS7 is required).  I've been messing with the free app on my MAC, but I really need to bite the bullet and buy this program!

Oh, heck, I haven't purchased the UltraFractal program yet and I've been blogging about that for months!  What to do, what to do…………

In the meanwhile, here's something to remind you of New Years :)

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