Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Flame Painter

As I was checking Twitter last night I noticed that "Cult of MAC" had an app package bundle on sale.  I decided to check it out as the price was right ($9.99).  I didn't find the apps very interesting except one.  It was called "Flame Painter".  I'm always looking for fractal art apps for the Mac as most seem to be geared towards Windows.  I went to the website to see if it looked like a decent program at a decent price.

They offer a personal version for $29.99 and a professional version for $59.99.  The difference being the professional version comes with a commercial license, unlimited vector layers and antialiasing.

I messed around with the iPhone app and found it was very user-friendly and the flames turned out looking realistic.

Then I had another idea.  Could I make a custom brush in Corel Painter that would duplicate the look of the Flame Painter brush?  I googled this to no avail.  I suppose it hasn't been done or if it has, no one wants to share!  There were plenty of posts if I wanted to make a brush using Photoshop.  

As of this afternoon I haven't ventured past the EscapeMotions website, but stay tuned………...

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