Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Social Media Marketing - Twitter

I was a nobody in the world of Twitter until I started using the service JustUnfollow

Although the name sounds counterintuitive, JustUnfollow has helped me GAIN many followers.  Below I will explain step-by-step the procedure that works for me on Twitter.

No laughing please!!!!

Every morning my 17 year old dog wakes me up at 4am for his breakfast.  He then proceeds to jump into my bed and lick my toes for another half an hour.  Needless to say, sleep at this time is not an option.  So I work on my Twitter account from my warm bed.

First, I hit the Twitter icon on my cell phone.  Up pops "notifications" from anyone who has followed me since the previous evening.  I click on their picture/information to get a feel for if this is someone I want to follow back.  If they are following me back (meaning I already follow them) then the icon on the right will be blue.  If the icon is clear, I can tap it to follow that person.  Or I can just ignore them.

Step Two - I hit the JustUnfollow icon on my cell phone.  This tells me how many "non-followers" I have.  Some are expected (Ellen DeGeneres, Jimmy Kimmel, etc).  On this list are all the people I have followed who don't follow me back.  I normally give someone a week or so to follow me back before I give them the big HEAVE HO!

There is also a section in this app called "recent unfollowers".  I check there every morning.  These are the people who follow you just so you will follow them back, then once you follow them, they unfollow you.  Pretty sleazy.

Step Three - Back to the Twitter app.  Under "timelines" swipe over to "activity". This is the activity from all those that you follow.  This section contains tweets that they have favored or retweeted and (WAIT FOR IT) people that they have followed!!!

Right now I see my twitter friend NW has followed CS.  I am not following CS, so I click on his picture/information.  CS is following 963 people and has 909 followers.  So far, so good.  His last tweet was one day ago.  Also good.  You don't need a follower who only tweets twice a year!  I swipe my finger to the left to see his information.  Looks like CS is a self-taught wildlife artist.  Since most of my followers are photographers and artists I decide to follow CS.  Hit the follow button…done for now.  I then give CS one week or so to follow me back.  If he is not interested (I'll know because of JustUnfollow) then I will unfollow him.

Typing out this whole procedure reminds me that this is a lot of work, but once you get a system in place, it comes easy.  What else am I gonna do at 4am?

Social Media Marketing - The Four C's of the Engagement Process - SEO

Consumption, Curation, Creation and Collaboration

The magic question…how to get someone from Consumption to Collaboration?

We all start out on any website (except our own) in Consumption mode.  Basically, low level engagement, getting information, trolling.

The next step above Consumption is Curation.  This is where the sorting and filtering occur.  Curation is when someone rates something or leaves a comment or "shares".

Above Curation is Creation.  This is when someone writes a review and basically puts a bit of themselves on your page.

The top tier is Collaboration.  This is a conversation in the online community.  

Collaboration is key to SEO !!!!

Search Engine Optimization

Five important things to know about SEO:


Next post:  SMM - Twitter

Social Media Marketing - Introduction

This post and the next few will be a change of pace/topic for the Fractal Satisfaction blog.

Much like school children are encouraged to write an essay in September called "How I Spent My Summer Vacation", I am writing an essay that could be titled "What I Learned in Social Media Class".

First of all I'd like to say that in the Social Media world I fall into a group called "Boomers 2".  Born between 1955 and 1965, Boomers 2 came of age during the 1970s.  I am not what is referred to as a "digital native".  That term describes all the babies born today in first world countries.  Pretty much all the babies that were born in the past ten years.

So how do I as a "Boomer 2" compete in the social media realm with "Digital Natives"?  I go to college and take a class!!!

CIS 254 - Social Media Marketing - 3 credits

What is social media marketing in layman's terms?

SMM is using network based marketing to promote what you are doing by gaining attention and sharing.

When using social media you MUST:

  • have a great product
  • present a call to action
  • add value to the conversation
  • remember social media is a two way street
  • encourage peer-to-peer communication

Please remember:

A "marketing plan" means having specific goals that can be tested.

Next post:  The four C's of the Engagement Process

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

What is a fractal?

I believe this post from Alice Kelley's blog explains fractals better than I can explain the mathematics of the artwork.