Thursday, December 26, 2013

Flame Painter Part 2

It's been about a week now that I have been experimenting with various "smoke" brushes for Photoshop and also making my own "flame" brushes in Corel Painter.  I have to be honest, none of mine hold a candle to the brushes in Flame Painter.  They are incredible!

I have downloaded the free app for my iPhone, but I find the screen too small to work with effectively. Turns out my original iPad is too old for the program (I believe IOS7 is required).  I've been messing with the free app on my MAC, but I really need to bite the bullet and buy this program!

Oh, heck, I haven't purchased the UltraFractal program yet and I've been blogging about that for months!  What to do, what to do…………

In the meanwhile, here's something to remind you of New Years :)

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Flame Painter

As I was checking Twitter last night I noticed that "Cult of MAC" had an app package bundle on sale.  I decided to check it out as the price was right ($9.99).  I didn't find the apps very interesting except one.  It was called "Flame Painter".  I'm always looking for fractal art apps for the Mac as most seem to be geared towards Windows.  I went to the website to see if it looked like a decent program at a decent price.

They offer a personal version for $29.99 and a professional version for $59.99.  The difference being the professional version comes with a commercial license, unlimited vector layers and antialiasing.

I messed around with the iPhone app and found it was very user-friendly and the flames turned out looking realistic.

Then I had another idea.  Could I make a custom brush in Corel Painter that would duplicate the look of the Flame Painter brush?  I googled this to no avail.  I suppose it hasn't been done or if it has, no one wants to share!  There were plenty of posts if I wanted to make a brush using Photoshop.  

As of this afternoon I haven't ventured past the EscapeMotions website, but stay tuned………...

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Shout Out

Today I'd like to give a shout out to another blog about fractals….

I happened across this blog through Pinterest and it has some good stuff :)