Thursday, December 26, 2013

Flame Painter Part 2

It's been about a week now that I have been experimenting with various "smoke" brushes for Photoshop and also making my own "flame" brushes in Corel Painter.  I have to be honest, none of mine hold a candle to the brushes in Flame Painter.  They are incredible!

I have downloaded the free app for my iPhone, but I find the screen too small to work with effectively. Turns out my original iPad is too old for the program (I believe IOS7 is required).  I've been messing with the free app on my MAC, but I really need to bite the bullet and buy this program!

Oh, heck, I haven't purchased the UltraFractal program yet and I've been blogging about that for months!  What to do, what to do…………

In the meanwhile, here's something to remind you of New Years :)

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Flame Painter

As I was checking Twitter last night I noticed that "Cult of MAC" had an app package bundle on sale.  I decided to check it out as the price was right ($9.99).  I didn't find the apps very interesting except one.  It was called "Flame Painter".  I'm always looking for fractal art apps for the Mac as most seem to be geared towards Windows.  I went to the website to see if it looked like a decent program at a decent price.

They offer a personal version for $29.99 and a professional version for $59.99.  The difference being the professional version comes with a commercial license, unlimited vector layers and antialiasing.

I messed around with the iPhone app and found it was very user-friendly and the flames turned out looking realistic.

Then I had another idea.  Could I make a custom brush in Corel Painter that would duplicate the look of the Flame Painter brush?  I googled this to no avail.  I suppose it hasn't been done or if it has, no one wants to share!  There were plenty of posts if I wanted to make a brush using Photoshop.  

As of this afternoon I haven't ventured past the EscapeMotions website, but stay tuned………...

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Shout Out

Today I'd like to give a shout out to another blog about fractals….

I happened across this blog through Pinterest and it has some good stuff :)

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Day Number 188

Day number 188 using the trial version of UltraFractal for MAC.  This is what I came up with :)

Kind of patriotic, don't you think?

While I was farting around for the past six months trying to decide if I should purchase the program, the price was reduced to $49.  Yeah me :)

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Firefox Flame

Has anyone else seen this Firefox fractal?

I have no idea where it came from or who created it.  I found it on Pinterest, but there was no other information.  Wouldn't it be cool if everything could be "fractalized" :)

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Back to Windows

I haven't used the fractal programs on my Windows laptop in months so today I experimented with Sterling2 once again.  I forgot how much I enjoyed this program with it's various geometric equations (none of which I claim to understand).

This is my latest Sterling2 creation…Fractal Flower

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

This guy is AWESOME!!!!!

If you getta chance, check out this guy's artwork on Fine Art America or

There is also a website, although I'm ignorant as to the language

Silent Love by Sipo Liimatainen

Into Life by Sipo Liimatainen

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Lindsay Lu

If you are on Pinterest and are interested in fractal art please check out this board:

Really cool fractal art from all over the 'net :)

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Found on Pinterest

I discovered this very cool fractal image on Pinterest today.  The website is 

The piece reminds me of exquisite jewelry :)

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Back to the Fractal Serendipity App

This is one of the strangest fractals I have created using the Fractal Serendipity application.

I could stare at it for hours and see something different every time!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Chromatic Shrimp

This caught my eye today while I was browsing through the F.A.A. site.  I especially like the name of the piece :)

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Trying deviantART

I decided to give deviantArt a try.   I uploaded a few pieces of fractal art.  As my friend says "throw it at the wall and see if it sticks"!

This is one of the images with the deviantART watermark.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Ray Morris

I want this fractal program, but they don't make the plug-in for MACs :(

A fractal is a pattern that exhibits more complexity as it is enlarged .... the closer you get the more detail you see. Its complex mathematics has many applications including 'fractal art.'
The term 'fractal' comes from the Latin verb 'frangere' that means to fragment or break. This word originated from work undertaken on the fractal geometry of nature by the mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot in 1975.

Quote and picture by Ray Morris.

Here's the link via FlickR

Monday, August 19, 2013

Duncan Champney

Fractal Monoliths

A Surreal fractal landscape created with FractalWorks, a high performance fractal renderer for Maintoshes. Everything in the image except the clouds is generated directly from FractalWorks. (The clouds in the background were added in Photoshop. The image was also anti-aliased, sharpened, and contrast adjusted in Photoshop)
If you have a recent version of FractalWorks, you can recreate a smaller version of this plot (in 3D) by copying the link below to the clipboard, then selecting "New Fractal from URL in clipboard" in FractalWorks:
Fractalworks plot Fractal Monoliths small
The 3D settings are as follows:
Plot height:0.1
Peak steepness:0.2
Plot flipped:Yes
Camera x:-0.0206
Camera y:-0.0774
Camera z:-0.528
Ambient light:0.2
Directional light:0.6
Specular light:0.1
Surface shininess: 10
Light x direction:-1
Light Y direction:0.568
Light z direction:1.25

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Butterfly Marble Improved? You Be The Judge

A few days ago I spoke about improving the Butterfly Marble fractal .png image.
I'm not sure if I've accomplished the "improved" part, but I did make a few changes.

This first version I made in Adobe Illustrator by simply adding a purple background layer and using a mosaic tiling filter.

This second version was also made in Illustrator, but using the glowing edges filter (on top of the tiling filter).

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Butterfly Marble

I call this image "butterfly marble".  I made it several weeks ago with the Fractal Serendipity app & saved it to my desktop as a .png file.

It needs something.  Over the next few days I'm going to be trying different backgrounds and programs to see what creative elements I can come up with to improve the image.  

Please feel free to download the picture & come up with your own version of the Butterfly Marble :)

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Svetlana Nikolova

Here are samples of the fractal art from a wonderful artist at F.A.A./

More of her work can be viewed using this linking to her Facebook page:

Monday, July 29, 2013

Incendia 3D

Animated Shell by Aexion, (the creator of the wonderful Incendia 3D fractal software.)

I downloaded Incendia, but the program was beyond my limited mental capabilities!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Steve Purnell

Once again, no idea of the program that the artist is using but I find the results quiet pleasing.  This artist calls his fractal images "smoke".

I believe this image is available for purchase at F.A.A. and

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Phil Sadler

Today I'd like to share a fractal by artist Phil Sadler.  I don't know which program he uses, but his art is AMAZING!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Apophysis Again

To be fair since I posted a Sterling2 fractal from Windows yesterday, I'll post a fractal image from Apophysis today.  Nothing earth shattering, but pretty cool with all the colorful swirls :)

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Back to Sterling

Or more like Sterling2.  I don't getta chance to work on fractal art using Windows very often.  I love the results I get from Sterling2.  The fractal below seemed cool just in black and white.

Friday, July 19, 2013


Cool purple box just cause it's Friday :)

Created using the Fractal Serendipity app.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Fortune Cookie

Too bad it isn't Chinese New Year as todays fractal image reminds me of a fortune cookie!

Created using Fractal Serendipity.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Very Cool

Very cool frame fractal made in the evaluation mode of Ultra Fractal.  56 days and I still can't make up my mind!!!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

UltraFractal !!!

Still hanging in ... Day 55 of the evaluation mode.
I call this "solar eclipse" for obvious reasons.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

This is kind of a cool fractal.  Made with the fractal serendipity app.  I like the symmetry.  

Tomorrow I'm going to see if i can still experiment with Ultra Fractal.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Holiday Weekend

Due to the holiday weekend I haven't had the chance to work on any fractal images.  Fear not!  I have attached a cropped image of the fireworks from last night.  It's kinda fractal-like :)

Have a safe holiday everyone!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Early Day

Another experiment in Fractal Serendipity.

I think I can hypnotize myself if I stare at this long enough :)

Just in case you care to try, here's a link:

Monday, July 1, 2013

Rainy Monday

It's a rainy Monday here in the Northeast.  I decided to make a cheery background for my FB page to try to brighten things up.  Thanks to to Fractal Serendipity app once again :)

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Cool Ripple Effect

I like this cool ripple effect in UltraFractal.  It reminds me of the sun or moon setting over a lake.  Day 40 of the evaluation trial & all is well :)

Thursday, June 27, 2013

DAY 38

Day 38 and UltraFractal continues to allow me to experiment with the trial version :)

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Solar Eclipse

For those of you who missed it while taking pictures of last weekends SuperMoon...jk

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Tuesday's Tile

Aptly named, lol :)

Here is a great fractal background.  It kinda reminds me of floor tile.

*made with the app Fractal Serendipity

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Something 4 Sunday

I have observed many awesome fractals through Pinterest.   So many that I started to copy and paste them, then decided just to add a link to my Pinterest fractal art board.  Here it is:

Enjoy :)

Friday, June 21, 2013

Freaky Friday

I guess Ultra Fractal has taken pity on me and is continuing to let me use the "evaluation" mode even though I have topped out at 32 days.  Yeah me :)

Here's a flower to say Thank You!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Back to Fractal Serendipity

Today I'm back to using the Fractal Serendipity app.  After a 30 day trial period, I still cannot make up my mind about the purchase of Ultra Fractal.  Today I have been working on "orbs".  These are todays offerings in jpeg format:

Please share if you like, just make sure you give proper credit to me & the app :-)

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Two 4 Tuesday

Two fractals for Tuesday.  Both rendered on my last day (sigh) of the Ultra Fractal free trial.

Both images show that fractals can be cropped to make interesting backgrounds.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Back to Windows...

I switched back to the Windows laptop today (giving the MAC a much needed rest).
We all know fractals can be quiet complicated so I decided to share a few of my simple fractals today.  Hey, it's Monday, lets give our brains a chance to ease into the week.

Above is a fractal created in Apophysis.  Simple, yet beautiful.  Below is a fractal created in Sterling2.  Simple, yet classy.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Planet Color

I find that the app Fractal Serendipity makes beautiful orbs.  This is very helpful for those of us into solar system art.