Friday, June 27, 2014

Not Quite a Fractal

My newest image is not quite a fractal image except for the geometry naturally found in living things.  I started with the stigma, style and filament of a red tulip.  I then cropped in as close as I could and used Topaz Denoise to get rid of some of the grain.  Next, I applied a chrome filter and solar filter from Topaz Adjust to separate layers using Photoshop.  Voila.  I think it's a pretty wild image :)

This image available to purchase through

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Ms. CheapA$$ buys Something !!!

Hello All :)

Any of you who have been following my blog know that I am "thrifty" to say the least.  Yesterday, I finally broke down and purchased the remainder of the Topaz Collection.  I had been buying the software one item at a time as it would go on sale.  Topaz normally has a monthly 50% off sale on one product.  This process was very slow and I didn't always get the software that I wanted at the time.  All of the products are useful in their own way so I didn't feel like it was a waste of money.

I had purchased Simplify in February.  This is a great plug-in for "photo art".  I purchased Denoise in March.  This plug-in is the best around for removing unwanted grain from photographs.  April's purchase was Detail.  Pretty much self explanatory, detail enhancement.  And in May I purchased Clean, which is great for skin smoothing in portrait photography.

I am happy to report that Adjust, Clarity, InFocus, Lens Effects, ReMask, ReStyle, Star Effects, DeJpeg and B/W Effects are all now in my arsenal of photography tools!

What pushed me to make this move?  First off, Topaz Labs was offering me a discount on the total bundle since I bought the other products.  Secondly, a contact of mine clued me in to a 30% off discount code.  It was just too much to resist!

I had been checking out other plug-ins from other companies that are not as expensive, but they just aren't as good as Topaz.  I am ecstatic about this purchase and look forward to using every single product!!!!

Friday, June 13, 2014


Yes, I admit it!  I stole this article and this picture off the internet.  But in my defense, why am I going to retype an entire article when I can just copy and paste?

Basically, the article explains three fractal rendering programs and tells what is useful within each one.

Turtle Graphics Renderer

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Keep Calm and Cycle Coffee Mugs


Thank you to the customer in Fort Dodge, IA.

Keep Calm and Cycle Coffee Mugs from Made in 24 hours. Keep Calm and Cycle Coffee Mugs created by TWVVAAPP. This design is available on coffee mugs, travel mugs, steins and is totally customizable.

Sunday, June 8, 2014


This is another shameless plug for another online art gallery site.

Here is a link to my new gallery on Crated:

And since y'all have been nice enough to put up with my shameless self-promotion, the least I can do is post a few links to some cool fractals :)