Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Fractal Cupie Doll

What do you see within this fractal image?
This fractal reminds me of a flower soaking up the suns rays.  If you resize the image, you may see a cupie doll on the inside on the flower.

This fractal brought to you by Sterling2.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Fractal Apps

I'm sad to say the Fractal Serendipity app has bitten the dust.  It is being replaced with the Fractal Architect 2 app (by the same software company).  I know this because the FS app I have installed on my MAC crashed and that's what was suggested to me.  The FA2 app has a hefty pricetag for an app ($23.99).  I believe I paid around $5 for FS.

Thinking maybe I should just bite the bullet and purchase UltraFractal for the few extra dollars that it would cost.

That being said…here's a fractal for today…

Friday, April 11, 2014

Fractals and Textures?

A couple of us in the Texture Artist group were discussing adding textures to fractal art.  First, I made a basic fractal pattern using Ultra Fractal for MAC.  Then I added a bokeh texture from LO2.  Finally, I added a painterly texture, also from LO2.

I am on Day 326 of the UltraFractal trial (if anyone is still counting).  Please excuse the watermarks.

This is a first attempt.  I was trying to make something more creative, but the Fractal Serendipity app seems to be crash happy today :(

Saturday, April 5, 2014

I Didn't Forget About You

It may seem as I've forgotten about this blog, but I have been busy with other creative endeavors.  I put aside fractal art for a few weeks in favor of experimenting with textures.  There are a lot of free textures out there, but most are not high quality.  I found a place that has great deals on textures and I've gotten two sets (more than 300 items) for $27 per set!

So here's a shout out to the Facebook group Texture Artists and the admin of the group, Denise Love :)

I'm also posting a link to the latest sale page for the textures I just downloaded. I believe the sale is on for nine more days.

Now I'm thinking how awesome it would be to mix fractal art with texture.
Stay tuned…………