Saturday, October 18, 2014

The Prophecy

Surfing the 'net today I happened across an interesting fractal image by batjorge (Deviant art user name).  

It still amazes me what wonderful worlds can be created by using fractal formulas.  All that is needed is a slight knowledge of geometry and some imagination!

Here's the link:

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Topaz Impression

I apologize that I've been absent from my blog.  Life calls.

But I came back to tell y'all about a new plug-in from Topaz labs that I've been itching to try.  It's called Topaz Impression and it changes any photograph into a work of art.  Here's a link that can explain better than I can:

And just for giggles, here's a 50% off promotional code for anyone who already owns the rest of the Topaz suite of plugins.


That makes the new software a mere $49.99!!!

Happy Day :)