Friday, August 29, 2014

Basic 3D Mandelbrot render by FractalWorks

Basic mandelbrot plot as seen in 3D per FractalWorks.

Here's another view:

This is what you start with in 3D mode and you can pretty much go from here to anywhere by changing colors, peak height, x or y coordinates, etc.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Fractal Works App

I suppose I'm going to have to admit I have quite a learning curve with the Fractal Works app for MAC.  It's been over a week and I'm still not sure what I'm doing.

One thing I will tell you is that the 3D render is FABULOUS!  Right now it's my favorite part of the entire program.

Although this doesn't look like much, it took me an entire day to make it!  This is me flying by the seat of my pants.  This week's mission is to find some tutorials and try to make sense of it all :)

Monday, August 4, 2014

Fractal Works and ScopeWorks

Just for the heck of it I downloaded FractalWorks from the MAC app store this past weekend.  The app is made by WareTo LLC., who also make ScopeWorks.

Being in a creative mood I decided to purchase both programs so I could do some experimenting.  

Below are the links to the MAC app store for those interested in acquiring the software:

ScopeWorks lets you create stunning kaleidoscopes from either still images or from a connected video camera. It creates mesmerizing animations and will also generate high resolution still images. It supports a variety of different kaleidoscope layouts.

FractalWorks is a high performance fractal renderer. It creates stunning images of Mandelbrot and Julia sets. It will create 3D renderings of your fractal images, and can generate stereo images for viewing as parallel or cross-eye, or anaglyph images. You can rotate, pan, and zoom your 3D images in real time on the screen, as well as adjust the texture and lighting of your fractal images.
Its unique and powerful color scheme system gives you great looking image colors that adapt automatically to different plots, highlighting the "interesting bits" and using subtle color changes in visually busy areas.

I see that FractalWorks has not been updated since September 2011 and Scope Works since August 2011, but I am not concerned.  Fractals have been around for millions of years :)

I can hardly wait to start using these two programs!

Stay tuned………...