Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Elizabeth McTaggart

Today I'd like to blog about a fellow fractal artist, Elizabeth McTaggart.  She is a colleague of mine at Fine Art America.  Her fractal artwork is nothing less than amazing!  Please check her out at:

I've pulled a few images to share…

Thanks Elizabeth for sharing your wonderful artwork with the world :)

Monday, March 10, 2014

The Never-Ending Trial Program

I am back to experimenting with the UltraFractal program.  Day number 294 of the free trial.  

I need to find a way to "pull" the pixels and manipulate the fractals without using mathematical equations.  And I want to start with a basic shape, not the Mandelbrot.  I don't think I'm asking for a lot!!!

I also need a program that works on the MAC platform.
Anyone?  Anyone?

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Topaz Plug-Ins Part II

I am about 10 days into the 30 day trial of Topaz plug-ins.  I downloaded the free trial of the entire suite (14 elements).  Here are the plug-ins that I really like:

Star Effects

So far I have purchased only Simplify.  I figure you can't go wrong for $20.  Of course, that sale was over February 28.  

The question is…do I spring for the entire suite of plug-ins offered to me for $344.99 since I purchased Simplify or do I wait for coupon codes and add plug-ins one by one until I get the ones I want?

This is a photo I found on the Topaz Labs website.  The photo was processed using the "Star Effects" filter.  Here is a link to other photos using that same filter: