Thursday, August 29, 2013

Ray Morris

I want this fractal program, but they don't make the plug-in for MACs :(

A fractal is a pattern that exhibits more complexity as it is enlarged .... the closer you get the more detail you see. Its complex mathematics has many applications including 'fractal art.'
The term 'fractal' comes from the Latin verb 'frangere' that means to fragment or break. This word originated from work undertaken on the fractal geometry of nature by the mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot in 1975.

Quote and picture by Ray Morris.

Here's the link via FlickR

Monday, August 19, 2013

Duncan Champney

Fractal Monoliths

A Surreal fractal landscape created with FractalWorks, a high performance fractal renderer for Maintoshes. Everything in the image except the clouds is generated directly from FractalWorks. (The clouds in the background were added in Photoshop. The image was also anti-aliased, sharpened, and contrast adjusted in Photoshop)
If you have a recent version of FractalWorks, you can recreate a smaller version of this plot (in 3D) by copying the link below to the clipboard, then selecting "New Fractal from URL in clipboard" in FractalWorks:
Fractalworks plot Fractal Monoliths small
The 3D settings are as follows:
Plot height:0.1
Peak steepness:0.2
Plot flipped:Yes
Camera x:-0.0206
Camera y:-0.0774
Camera z:-0.528
Ambient light:0.2
Directional light:0.6
Specular light:0.1
Surface shininess: 10
Light x direction:-1
Light Y direction:0.568
Light z direction:1.25

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Butterfly Marble Improved? You Be The Judge

A few days ago I spoke about improving the Butterfly Marble fractal .png image.
I'm not sure if I've accomplished the "improved" part, but I did make a few changes.

This first version I made in Adobe Illustrator by simply adding a purple background layer and using a mosaic tiling filter.

This second version was also made in Illustrator, but using the glowing edges filter (on top of the tiling filter).

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Butterfly Marble

I call this image "butterfly marble".  I made it several weeks ago with the Fractal Serendipity app & saved it to my desktop as a .png file.

It needs something.  Over the next few days I'm going to be trying different backgrounds and programs to see what creative elements I can come up with to improve the image.  

Please feel free to download the picture & come up with your own version of the Butterfly Marble :)

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Svetlana Nikolova

Here are samples of the fractal art from a wonderful artist at F.A.A./

More of her work can be viewed using this linking to her Facebook page: